Repeat Private Prescription (RPP)

Repeat Private Prescription (RPP)

You can access the RPP by changing the Rx type to Private and selecting the PSC_RPPtickbox tick box when dispensing at the Enter Quantity stage.

Processing Repeat Private Prescriptions

The first stage in the process is to create the RPP schedule, which determines the number of repeat episodes you want to dispense to the patient, and their interval if applicable.

Creating an RPP Schedule Completing an RPP Schedule

Managing Repeat Private Prescriptions

There are also other processes you can perform as part of a private repeat prescription dispensing, such as creating and redeeming owings, marking items as cancelled or ending/re-opening a schedule.

Creating an Owing on an RPP Episode Redeeming an Owing on an RPP Episode
Ending an RPP Schedule Re-Opening an RPP Schedule
Managing RPP Episode Statuses

Reporting on Repeat Private Prescriptions

You can also generate reports on RPP prescriptions from the Private and Veterinary Prescriptions Register (also known as the RPPR).

Private and Veterinary Prescriptions Register