This functionality is only available to customers using the Electronic Prescription Service in England and Wales.
ScriptCheck enables scripts to retain a clinical check previously done in the last 6 months, subject to no changes having been made, saving pharmacy time. Using the clinically checked scripts, a member of the pharmacy team can then use the scanning app to create picklists for stock requirements for multiple scripts, enabling stock items to be gathered and dispensed in bulk. The basket accuracy check uses the scanning app to aid the checking that all the packs are correctly labelled.
Before ScriptCheck is used in your pharmacy, we recommend implementing new workflows and local SOPs. We have compiled the following guidance for you:
ScriptCheck Workflows using the scanning app
ScriptCheck Implementation using the scanning app
ScriptCheck scanning app settings
Processing scripts
In the following steps, ProScript Connect is configured to dispense items via ScriptCheck by default.
When ProScript Connect is configured to dispense items via ScriptCheck by default, a patient can opt out of having their prescriptions processed using this workflow or the pharmacy could consider the items not suitable to be dispensed by this method.
- From the PMR, click F1 – Patient Details.
- Select the Services tab.
- In the Additional Services section, tick ScriptCheck Opt Out.
- Select an Opt Out Reason.
- Click F10 – Save.
When adding prescriptions to the ScriptCheck queue, scripts are dispensed from the ETP module in the usual way. Follow the SOP for your pharmacy.
- From the ETP module, download the EPS scripts. Newly prescribed items are tagged as
Consider printing tokens and dispensing scripts in manageable batches, keeping the tokens for each batch together for completion of the labelling from the ScriptCheck queue. You can use the filters in ETP to view batches based around patient name, script type and more. You may want to disable the Auto Print Dispensing Tokens function from the ETP category of Edit Application Settings. You can print tokens individually, click F8 – Print on the View/Process Prescription screen. A batch of tokens can be printed from F10 – Batch Functions.
- Process the scripts following your local SOP in the usual way, processing EPS scripts.
- From the PMR and prior to endorsing the prescription, notice that the items ready for dispensing are marked by default as
- From the PMR, a script can be locally dispensed, if required, using Dispense Locally. You will need to dispense locally when:
- an owing is created
- an item requires the SSP additional endorsement to be added
- an item is an MDS item
- an item is a CD schedule 1 or 2: the acceptance of schedule 3, 4 and 5 is configurable in the app settings.
- Endorse the script, click F8 – Last Item.
ProScript Connect can be configured not to print the endorsement by default using the Endorse R2 Prescriptions configuration in the ETP category of Application Settings. - Click F10 – Save to complete the script.
By default, no drug or bag labels will be printed at this stage for ScriptCheck items. However, the following labels may print if configured to do so – alerts and drug warnings, NMS and DMS labels, Prescription Collection Point (PCP) and Pro Delivery Manager (PDM) barcodes. We recommend that these labels are kept with the patient’s dispensing token. If configured, Order basket confirmation and SMS/email notifications may also appear on screen.
Tip: For scripts that have both locally dispensed and ScriptCheck items, keep any locally dispensed items with its script to ensure all items are handed to the patient.
Clinical check
Items that have been marked as are automatically added to the Queue tab of ScriptCheck Manager. From here, you can see which items have retained a clinical check from the previous 6 months with no changes – they have a
tag with a date stamp when they were clinically checked by a pharmacist. These clinically checked scripts are ready to be used to generate a picking list.
All other items must be clinically checked by a pharmacist before they can be processed through ScriptCheck to create a picking list. This can possibly be done away from the main area. Access to clinical checking can be restricted using RBAC.
When ScriptCheck is first used, no scripts will have a retained clinical check. Scripts with a retained clinical check will gradually build up as the functionality is used.
Warning: Once a script is marked as clinically checked, the clinical check can’t be undone. Scripts can be edited (which will automatically remove the clinical check) and will require being re-checked by a pharmacist. However, depending upon the reason for the edit eg. an SSP endorsement added, the script may then need to be dispensed locally, using F3 – Dispense Now.
All prescriptions must be clinically checked by a pharmacist before the items can be added to a picklist.
For those scripts with items that have not retained a clinical check – see the Clinically checking items section below for details on how to process these items.
At any time, you can access an explanation of how the clinical check retention works.
Simply roll over the info icon to the right of the blue bar.
The retention of the clinical check has been registered as a Medical Device and is marked with the UKCA certification.
For scripts that have a Clinically Checked tag, the process of creating a picklist to gather items from the stock shelves can start immediately.
- On the ScriptCheck Manager screen, in the Queue tab the list of processed scripts is displayed. Filters can be applied including CC Status (Clinically Checked Status).
Tip: Use the filters to view only the scripts required to be processed at this time, for example Today.
- Now you are ready to create the picklist for stock required – go to the section, Create a picklist.
Clinically checking items
For those scripts that don’t have a tag, a pharmacist is required to clinically check each script, before they can be added to a picklist.
To quickly view the scripts to be clinically checked, set the CC Status filter to Not Checked with your required date range.
To be completed by the pharmacist.
- On the ScriptCheck Manager screen, in the Queue tab the list of scanned scripts is displayed. Filters can be applied including CC Status (Clinically Checked Status).
Tip: Use the filters to view only the scripts required to be processed at this time, for example Today.
- The Responsible pharmacist logged in will be the default pharmacist for completing the clinical checks. Their name is visible on the top ribbon. To amend, click Change to select the required pharmacist, then click F10 – Save.
The checking pharmacist does not have to be the Responsible Pharmacist.
- Select the scripts to be clinically checked, then click F2 – Clinical Check.
Tip: To select all scripts in the current filter, tick the top box beside Date Added.
- On the Clinical Check screen, the first selected script is displayed with the PMR History in the left pane, the script(s) in the centre pane and the highlighted script details in the right-hand pane.
- If the same patient has multiple scripts, they will be displayed together to be reviewed and clinically checked together.
- If there are Patient Notes and/or Allergies/Conditions, Yes is displayed against each accordingly – to view these details and the full PMR history, in the bottom-left corner, click View PMR.
- In the centre pane, each script for the patient is listed, with any blue hyperlink warnings against the medication. Click the blue link to view the warning.
- In the bottom of the centre pane, the currently selected pharmacist details are displayed. Click F2 – Select Pharmacist to change.
- If the script previously had a clinical check, the details will be displayed under Last Clinical Check (below Pharmacist Details) with the pharmacist’s name, their Registration Number, and the date of the clinical check.
- In the right pane, the Label Details and Script Details are displayed.
- Once a script has been clinically checked, select Clinically Checked, or click F4 – Select All CC, if there are multiple scripts for this patient.
- Click F10 – Confirm.
- On the ScriptCheck Manager screen, those scripts that have been clinically checked are displayed with a
tag, along with the pharmacist’s name. If the clinical check has been retained, the date of the retention is displayed.
At any time, a script can be edited, click F10 – Edit Script (subject to the edit being allowed when using ScriptCheck, for example creating an owing is not allowed). Once the edit is complete, the script will be tagged as
. Remember, that in editing the script, the clinical check will be removed and will need to be clinically checked again. If the required edit is not allowed the item can be removed from the queue and dispensed locally, using F3 – Dispense Now. The clinical check will be removed for any remaining items on the script and will need to be reconfirmed before labels can be printed.
If a patient has several scripts that were clinically checked together, then one of these scripts was edited, all scripts for this patient will have the clinical check reset.
Owings can’t be created for items in the ScriptCheck queue. Owings are only permitted for items dispensed locally. Therefore, the required item needs to be dispensed now for an owing, which removes the item from the ScriptCheck queue. In the following steps, the selected item is dispensed locally to create the owing.
- Process the prescription as ScriptCheck. Before completion of the script, select F2 – Create Owing.
- The Create Owing message is displayed advising that an Owing cannot be created.
- To continue, click Cancel.
- On the PMR screen, click Dispense Locally, then click F2 – Create Owing.
- Complete the Edit Owing screen as required.
- To complete the prescription and create the Owing, click F8 – Last Item.
If an Owing has been created during the processing of a script using Dispense Locally, the item cannot then be marked as a ScriptCheck item prior to completing the prescription. The Send Item to ScriptCheck message is displayed. Click OK to continue processing locally.
Owings can also be created from Reprints.
Build a picklist
A member of the pharmacy team uses the scanning app to create a picklist using a batch of clinically checked scripts.
- Click the ScriptCheck app shortcut on your desktop.
- Login to the scanning app.
If you enter your username/password incorrectly four times in a row, you’ll be locked out of the app for 5 minutes.Tip: Use the Show/hide icon to the right of the password to view your password entry.
Warning: Both ProScript Connect and the scanning app must be open together to ensure the latest data can be transferred between them.
- On the Pending Picklists screen, all current picklists are displayed with their status.
- To create a new picklist, click Scan Scripts.
- Scan each token from the batch of prescriptions. As each token is scanned in, it appears on the Picklist Builder screen. The tokens may appear in the Pending Patients column or the Picklist Builder column, depending upon your scanning app settings.
- If the scanned tokens are appearing in the Patients Pending column (on the left-hand side) – either click Add All, or select individual tokens as required, to move the tokens to the Picklist Builder column (on the right-hands side). Your app setting is defaulted off.
- Auto-Build – This can be used to move the correct number of patients from the Pending Patients column to the Picklist Builder column, to match your configured number of baskets.
- If the scanned tokens are appearing in the Picklist Builder column (on the right-hand side) ready for creating the picklist. You can remove any scanned tokens back to the Patients Pending column and these will not be included in the current picklist build. Your app setting is switched on.
Change your app settingsTo access the ScriptCheck app settings, within the app, in the left-hand pane, click Settings.
The App Settings screen displayed.- Click the Picklist tab.
- Change setting: Scan to Pick Mode – opt out.
- To switch on, tick the box to the left of the ? icon, as per screenshot.
- To switch off, remove the tick in the box to the left of the ? icon.
- Change setting: Number of Baskets/Patients/Locations is the maximum number of baskets/patients per picklist you want to process at a time. This will depend upon the physical space available to safely process and dispense within your pharmacy. The default is 30.
- Move the slider across to change the required number of basket/patient/locations per picklist.
- If you do go over that setting when building a picklist, a warning message is displayed which can be overridden.
- To save the changes, click the save icon, in the top left corner.
- To close, click the red box, in the top right-hand corner.
If you have switched this setting on, the option, Scan Direct to Picklist (at the bottom of the Picklist Builder column) is on permanently.
Tip: If any changes have been made, refresh the picklist module, by clicking Exit Picklist Builder, then returning to the picklist screen.
- Click the Picklist tab.
- Once all tokens have been scanned in for this picklist, click Create Picklist. A confirmation screen is displayed. Click Yes.
- Click Exit Picklist Builder.
- On the Pending Picklist screen, the picklist is created with the status New.
Tip: You can hover over the Patient icon to view the list of patients in this Picklist (see image below) or the Picklist Preview icon for the list of medication required for this Picklist.
Print picklist
On the Pending Picklist screen, to print the picklist on A4 paper, click the 3 vertical dots against the required picklist, then click Print Picklist.
Tip: You can configure the number of print lines on each A4 page of a picklist, up to 60 lines, using the scanning app settings (Picklist tab > A4 Picklist Line Count).
Keep the tokens and the printed picklist together.
The picklist
The picklist is a consolidated list of the packs required to fulfil the batch of tokens. It will list the number of full packs first, followed by any units needed from splitting packs.
An example of a printed picklist with its unique QR code:
Tip: You can rename the suffixes applied to the Picklist packs and split packs (the default suffixes are pk and x) using the scanning app settings (Printing tab > Pick List Pack Suffix and Pick List Split Pack Suffix).
- Collect the packs for the picklist from your stock shelves and tick off as collected.
- Scan the QR code on the picklist. This automatically prints the basket labels, and the Patients in Progress screen is displayed with the details of the items on each script.
Any items to be dispensed locally are displayed in red.
Any patient notes are displayed against the patient. Click on the note to view the full details. Patient notes are viewable throughout the picklist workflow.
- Place the labels on the baskets.
- From the collected picklist packs, scan a pack (for some packs the scanning app may request the FMD barcode is scanned), on the screen is displayed a preview of the token for the patient that the pack belongs to and the number of the basket into which it should be placed.
- When the pack barcode is scanned, the app is checking that the pack matches the selected product of choice when the item was dispensed in ProScript Connect.
- Generic choices and pack picks are interchangeable, for example if Amlodipine 10mg tablets by Teva are chosen in ProScript Connect, but Amlodipine 10mg tablets by Accord are picked and scanned, this will be a match.
- Generic and branded packs are NOT interchangeable for example, if Amlodipine 10mg tablets by Teva are chosen in ProScript Connect, but Istin 10mg tablets are picked and scanned, this will NOT be a match. An alert would then be displayed, ‘Scanned product not required for this picklist’.
Tip: The prescription preview shows the product of choice dispensed in ProScript Connect. Any items that have been dispensed locally will be greyed out. Any items endorsed as Not Dispensed, will be marked as ND in the endorsement column.
- The drug label for the pack is printed. Attach the label to the pack, taking care not to cover the pack barcode, then place in the appropriate basket.
Tip: Notice a code prints on the drug label. This is used for the final accuracy check.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each item that has been picked.
If the app does not recognise a pack barcode – ‘Barcode unknown’, a pharmacist is required to map that pack barcode to the barcode database. Subsequent uses of that pack barcode will require verification by a pharmacist (checking the mapped product is correct and matches exactly the pack in the pharmacist’s hand). A message will be displayed on screen, ‘Barcode Verification Required’. Only the pharmacist can verify the barcode, by clicking Approve.
- Once a patient’s basket has been completed, it is marked as completed on screen.
Tip: Notice a code prints on the drug label. This is used for the final accuracy check.
- Keep scanning each pack until all the remaining picklist items have been allocated to a basket.
- Once the entire picklist has been scanned and all items are labelled and in their appropriate baskets, on screen, the patients have now moved to the Assembled Patients section. The message on screen is Picklist Assembled.
You may come across either a warning or a notification message that you need assistance on: take a look at our messages content for more information
Basket accuracy check
The picklist is now assembled, ready for a member of the pharmacy team to use the scanning app to start the basket accuracy check to ensure all items have been correctly labelled and are in the correct basket.
- On the Picklist Assembled screen, click Click to start basket check.
A message on screen asks you to start scanning a basket:
- Scan a basket label.
- For each pack in that basket:
- Scan the QR code on the drug label.
- Scan the barcode on the pack.
- Place the item in the pharmacy bag.
- When the basket is complete, on screen, click F10 to confirm.
- The patient bag label is printed, and the bag can be sealed.
If you move onto the next basket before confirming the last basket, a warning message is displayed. Click Cancel to go back and complete the last basket. If you click Confirm the current basket check is lost.
- Repeat this process for each basket.
When all the baskets have been checked, you’ll get a message on screen, Picklist Completed. The completed picklist is removed from the Pending Picklists screen.If a basket contains items to be verified, a warning message is displayed on screen, indicating verification is required to complete this basket by a qualified member of staff.
If a unknown barcode warning message has been displayed for an item on the picklist, a pharmacist is required to map this unknown barcode to the Custom Barcodes product list. Then once this has been done, the new barcode will need to be verified as part of the basket accuracy check.
Product Manager – mapping a barcode
Verification to complete a basket accuracy check
If verification is required to complete a basket accuracy check, this can only be done by a pharmacist with Accredited Access. Verification may be required because the pack barcode has not met the minimum count of verifications required for the barcode database OR the verification period for a pack barcode has expired (6 months).
On the Pending Picklist screen, under the Status column, baskets that require verification by a pharmacist are marked as Verification Required.
- Select the required picklist and click the three vertical dots against the picklist, then select Verification.
- The basket awaiting verification is displayed. Once the information has been verified, click Verify.
- A confirmation message is displayed.
- Click Confirm. The verified basket has now been removed from the Pending Picklist screen and the items can be packaged and the bag label is printed.
- Click Exit Picklist.
The system returns to the updated Pending Picklist screen. This basket is now complete and is removed from the Pending Picklist screen. - To return to ProScript Connect, click ProScript Connect.
Reset a picklist
If, for any reason, you need to cancel or reset a picklist, this can be done, but note that it removes all items on that picklist and it is not a reversible action. This can only be done by a user with Administrator Access to the app.
- On the Pending Picklists screen, select the three-dots against the required picklist to be reset.
- Click Reset Pick List.
- A warning message is displayed.
- To reset the picklist, click Confirm.
The picklist is removed from the Pending Picklist screen.
Completed scripts audit
On the ScriptCheck Manager screen, under the Completed tab, the items just dispensed are displayed with the Accuracy Checked details date and time stamped.