Generating an ETP Nominations Report

Once a patient has been nominated at your pharmacy, if they are subsequently nominated elsewhere, ProScript Connect will not automatically update, and the EPS Status for the patient will still show as nominated.

    1. To begin, open the ETP Main Screen from the ProScript Connect Main Screen by clicking the [ETP] shortcut button, or by pressing [Ctrl+E].
    2. Select the [F11 – Reports] button and select the Nominations Report option.

    1. The ETP Nominations Report window opens. From here, you can:
      • Generate an Excel report by selecting the [F2 – Export to Excel] button.
      • Open a report preview by selecting the [F1 – Print Preview] button.

    If you don’t require all patients in the grid to be printed, select the rows you need using [Ctrl+left-click] or [Shift+left-click] on the keyboard. Once selected, you can use the arrows on either the [F2 – Export to Excel] button or [F1 – Print Preview] button to print preview/export the selected rows.
