Quality and Safety Scheme (Wales)

Dear Pharmacist

As part of the Quality and Safety Scheme, pharmacies are required to complete a High Risk Medicines information survey. This involves providing information on the number of patients whose prescriptions were dispensed in the pharmacy during a specified time period based on certain conditions outlined in the link below:


The table below outlines the recommendations for generating the reports required in ProScript Connect:

Monthly Data Submission

Indicator Name

Description of conditions

EHCP Recommendations

1.Use of valproate in girls and women of childbearing potential (1)

1. Number of patients dispensed a prescription for sodium valproate or valproic acid


2. Who are female


3. Who are aged between 13 and 50

1. First, access the Prescriptions Report and set the date filter for the month data is collected. Under the “Prescribed Item” filter, enter the term “Sodium valproate” to display all instances when any Sodium valproate preparation was prescribed. Note: you may need to run an additional, separate report if the item was prescribed by its brand name.

2. Export this list to Excel. Note: if you do not have many records, you can use the Excel features to filter for the female patients that fall within this age range.

3. Next, change the “Prescribed Item” filter to contain “Valproic acid” to display all instances when any Valproic acid preparation was prescribed. Note: you may need to run an additional, separate report if the item was prescribed by its brand name.

4. Export this list to Excel. Note: if you do not have many records, you can use the Excel features to filter for the female patients that fall within this age range.

5. If you have a larger number of patients, access the PDUR.

6. Use the patients that appeared in the Prescriptions Report:

a. Select the Patient Demographics checkbox, then select the Humans checkbox.

b. Add each patient that appeared in the Prescriptions Report

c. Select the Age Between checkbox and enter “From 13 To 50” years.

7. Then select the following Printing Details:

a. Prescribed Drug

b. Dispensed Drug

c. Patient Name

d. Address / Nursing Home

e. Date of Birth

f. Sex

8. Export the report to Excel. Export the report to Excel and filter out the male patients.

2.Use of valproate in girls and women of childbearing potential (1)


Of the patients identified in number 1, the number who participate in the Valproate Pregnancy Prevention Programme.

No report exists within the application to identify this. Please refer to your own SOPs.

Quarterly Data Submission

Indicator Name

Description of conditions

EHCP Recommendations

1. Prescribing of antipsychotic medication

1. Numbers of patients dispensed prescriptions for antipsychotic medicine


2. where the patient is aged 65 or over

1.  First, access the Patient/Drug Use Report (PDUR).

a. Set the date filter for the month data is collected.

b. Next select the Patient Demographics checkbox and set the Age Between filter from 65 to 120 years.

2.  Then select the following Printing Details:

 a. Prescribed Drug

 b. Dispensed Drug

 c. Patient Name

 d. Address / Nursing Home

 e. Date of Birth

3.  Export the report to Excel

4. In Excel, you can use the features to  filter out the items that are antipsychotics.

2. Prescribing of antipsychotic medication in care homes.

Of the patients identified in 1, the number who are resident in a care home.

Using the report from number 1, in excel you can use the features to filter out care homes.

The links for the data collection sheets can be found here: