ProScript Connect NI – ID

The Instalment Dispensing (also known as ID) module enables pharmacists to dispense, manage and endorse prescriptions for patients who require multiple dispensing.

ID is also available for Scotland.

Click to view the e-learning modules for ProScript Connect ID.

Stage 1: Creating ID Prescriptions

The first stage in the process is to create an ID prescription. You can create unsupervised or supervised ID prescriptions.


Stage 2: Marking ID Prescriptions as Dispensed

Once you have created an ID prescription, you can mark instalments as dispensed or not dispensed. You can dispense instalments in advance.


Stage 3: Endorsing an ID Prescription

Once you have marked all instalments of an ID prescription as dispensed/not dispensed, you can endorse the ID prescription.


Managing ID Owings

ProScript Connect fully caters for the creation and redeeming of owings for ID instalments.
